
Wednesday 27 July 2016

Sound experiment!⏱⏱🔦

Today for science we had done an experiment about sound.

Resources needed:
Sugar grains

1. Firstly, cut of the top of one balloon.

2.Then put the top bit of the balloon you cut on top of the jar like an lid. Before moving onto our next step, make sure the jar sounds like a drum.

3.Next, put a little amount of grain sugar on top of your mini drum and  hum. Observe to see what happens.

Our Results:

At first my group thought that the experiment was actually working until we found out that it was our noses making the sugar move.

Later on we found out that the experiment was false and also correct. We weren't very sure if it was the air from our noses or from the wind for we were standing outside. Miss.Stone had researched the author and found out that her published children s book about science. Also we watched a video where a man experimented the experiments in the exact book we used for our experiment. I'm not sure what to believe but I have to research more.

Our groups outcome of making our mini drum


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