
Tuesday 30 August 2016

Auckland Transport Argument

In the morning our class had read an article about an accident that had occurred before the warrior game, on Sunday. The incident was due to a train which crashed a man leaving his family in grief. This is my argument on why there are so many deaths caused by trains.

Trains in Auckland is a problem causing death and grief to families and friends. All these deaths caused because of our Auckland trains. Though it isn’t the fault of the train drivers, I believe it is the fault of the train  operators.

I believe that  Auckland transport should engineer the trains to stop faster. In the meanwhile stop the transport of trains while train engineers try to fix this issue. Though stopping the trains will also become a transport issue, it would at least spare a few lives. If Auckland transport can make trains go, they can also stop trains. If not, offer more security around train crossing for the safety of train passengers.

Len Brown our mayor should think of those lives lost and think of those families affected by the deaths of their loved ones. Is having modern day trains a safer option of transport or is having trains that are more efficient that could save lives.  


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