
Sunday 12 March 2017

Water Pollution Animation

For the past 2 weeks, my reading group, Kea, have been reading articles about water Pollution.
 It's not too late to clean up polluted rivers and streams
Fresh Water Quality and availability,
 Turning the tide on water pollution  
After we read all 3 articles, we had to do our reciprocal reading sheets. Reciprocal reading, contains 5 stages..

  1. Predict
  2. Read
  3. Clarify
  4. Question
  5. Summarize
We then had to move onto our sharing/creating work about Water Pollution. The Kea group decided to do a animation as our sharing work, based on all 3 articles which we had read and water pollution. We created our animation using Animaker, we wanted to use a website that was efficient to use and a website that would showcase our information in a creative way. 
Visit this site to view our Animation on Water Pollution. 


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