
Monday 27 June 2016

Cheesy Minions with a Side of Bob!

Today we actually got the opportunity to make our original, unique Stuffed Potato. Our recipe was simple and healthy, so we followed the steps easily.

Linda and I started off with the Salad. I chopped the tomatoes into medium sized wedges/cubes while Linda was chopping the spring onions. Maara cut the potatoes in half and scooped the insides of the Potatoes and once she finished we started on the filling. In our filling was bacon bits, melted butter, few spoons of sour cream, salt and pepper. Before we added everything we first mashed the potato filling until it was the consistency we wanted.

After the filling was finished Linda and I added in the spinach, lettuce, bacon bits and lemon zest into our salad. We tasted everything together and it was divine. Later on we helped Maara with placing the fillings inside the Potatoes. After wards we decorated the top of our halves with cheese and more bacon.

Then we placed our potatoes along with the other groups potatoes on a pan covered up with foil. Miss. Stone placed the pan into the oven and set it to Grill. We had to wait until the cheese melted. When we took the pan full of potatoes out the aroma filled the air like perfume. Later on we set our potatoes on a table, got our salad and prayed. As soon as the prayer finished I dug in straight away because I was very hungry. I grabbed some of our salad and as soon as I finished my salad I went in for more but there was no more left. The other girls had eaten it all.

Today's Writing lesson was fun. Not only did we get to make something we learnt a lot of information about Procedure writing.


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