
Thursday 13 October 2016

Term 4 Kiwi can

First Kiwi Can lesson of the term was very exciting. We now have a new topic as well as a theme. Our new topic is For our school and our theme is Respect. 

In today's lesson I learnt about values that we apply at home and school. Like perseverance, fairness, appreciation, resilience, courage, active listening and integrity. We used all of those values during our energizer and activity.

For our energizer we played a game called call values, where we learnt about more values such as caring, honesty and telling the truth. The aim of the game is when Mr. Numia calls a value out, you have to run to the cone with that value on it without getting tagged by the taggers. The game was very tricky, tiring and fun.

For our activity, we were split into 5 groups and were given 1 special value, that we had to act out. My group was given the value Perseverance. Perseverance means, never give up and try your best.


Danni Stone said...

Hi Luisa, I like that you introduced the theme of the lesson and that you described some of the activities. I also liked your definition of perseverance. Can you think of an example of someone displaying this value?

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