
Thursday 11 June 2015

Our Basketball Session

Tuesday 9th of June, was a bright, sunny but cold morning and at 10:20 the room 7 students walked down to the hall to go basketball. As we walked into the hall, room 9 was still playing a game and then they sat in front of their waiting for instructions. We sat in front of coach Maia as she announced our first game.

The first game we played was “In and Out”, coach Maia explained the rules to the game. The point of the game was to, jump in and out from the line when coach Maia says so and if you move off your spot then you are eliminated. First of all the girls went first because coach Maia knew that the boys were going to be silly. The winner of the first game was Amelia, after the first game we had our second game with both girls and boys. The second match was close between Maselino and Tamati but unfortunately there was only one winner and that was Maselino.

Afterwards, coach Maia chose a volunteer which was Trent and also explained the next game we were going to play. The game we play was called Traffic Lights, when Trent turns around then you have to run towards him and when he turns towards the people  they have to freeze. If you move  you have to go back to where you first started. We only had 2 games which was OK with me but not with the rest of the class. There was a lot of cheating in the game which disappointing. Moments later, we moved to our next game.

After, our second game we played octopus but with a twist, the twist was that the taggers had to dribble a ball while tagging the people who they call out. As coach Maia called out “people with no shoes run” and “ Those wearing blue run!!!”. The game was hard for the taggers so coach Maia told the taggers to put the balls away and play the real game of octopus. One by one people were tagged, all the people who were tagged had to stand still acting like seaweeds and most who were
tagged followed the rules. As we played, the time passed on, and it was almost time for morning tea.

At the end of our session, coach Maia explained to us if we can’t listen actively then we won’t play games next week which was a downer for our class. Moments later, our teacher Mrs. Jacob told us to line up quietly and we then headed back to class. I felt very frustrated that some of the students let our class down but also happy that I learnt new skills in basketball.


Unknown said...

You have great attention to detail Luisa. I'm sorry to hear that some of the class took advantage of the situation and were not listening actively to instructions. We will continue to work on that till we can all do it brilliantly. Keep being a good role model of active listening.

Luisa said...

TY(which is short for Thank You)

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