
Monday 20 June 2016

Glen Brae Weather Forcast

For Today's Math session we were given an merely impossible word problem, temperature scale and a map. We had to help a "very rather clumsy" weather man figure out the temperature for suburbs and cities in NZ. With very little clues. At the end of our lesson we actually accomplished our work and got I would say 90% of the temperatures right(one wrong).

Word Problem
W.A.L.T Use appropriate units for temperature
This morning Dan Corbet (TVNZ Weather man) has to report the temperatures for different cities in NZ.
Unfortunately a gust of wind has just blown his notes away, and he only has a few clues about today's lunch times temperature in the wrong order. Can you help him piece the puzzle the facts together and then label the ma with the correct information.

Afterwards we took a video of each math group presenting their information as a weather women/man.

Here is the link to our NZ map that show each temperature for each city/suburb listed in our word problem.
Image result for weather forecast


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