
Monday, 17 August 2015

Henry The Explorer-New ending

My new ending to the story, Henry The Explorer is

Henry’s mother started to worry about Henry when he didn't arrive at dusk like he said so.  So she called the survival search team, they told her that she was exaggerating and that he will come home soon. Hours later, it was dark and  Henry still hadn't  come back. The Survival team was now worried that something bad might have happened to him so they started to look for him in the forest he entered. Luckily for the search survival team, Henry had marked the paths he travelled on with the flags he made, so they followed the flags until the flags ended. The last flag was planted underneath a tree with  little crumbs of food  dropped everywhere around the tree. Insects scattered around the food taking small bites, but all of a sudden the search team heard a cry which sounded like Henry’s. The search  group got their torches out and looked for Henry. Finally they found Henry running away from a baby bear, they quickly grabbed Henry and returned him home. Henry’s mum was so relieved her eyes started to well up. Henry’s mum told Henry  “Never go camping without an adult and you too Angus!”


Anonymous said...

Hi luisa you got a nice Ending of your story

Anonymous said...

Hi Luisa I liked how you change your ending story from henry the explorer. It was so cool that the left the flag on the ground to find out where was henry in the forest. It was so cool that they found henry where all the crumbs were and that where the flag ended on the ground

Anonymous said...

Hi Luisa, you have made a lovely ending to the story Henry The Explorer. I was so happy when they found Henry. Keep on the good work Luisa :) !!

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