Times like these, we had wondered if it was all real or was it all a dream but werewolves can’t possibly be real, are they?. Chaotic creatures lurking about and yet no sign of our teachers, so I guess we are stranded in a spooky park with no signal and most importantly no normal people.
Our teachers had planned this trip months ago, it didn’t really matter where we went, we just wanted to get out of school. Room 7 got there stuff ready for our special class trip that was going to last for at least two days. Tyler waited eagerly beside Miss.Stone. “Uh mam is it time to leave, my stick like legs are about to crack”.
“Actually yes we are Tyler”, Miss Stone cleared her voice, “Now children head out the classroom and wait at the gate for Mrs.T”. Room 7 marched down to the gates neatly, just in time to see the limos arrive. Oohs and Ahhs echoed throughout the line, each student admired the limos as if they had been hypnotized. Mrs.T arrived at the gate and saluted the children, the students giggled silently and stood up straight. Afterwards 10 students hopped into one limo and the others went into the other limos.
“Miss, Miss, Where are we going exactly” cried one of the students.
“Well we planned to go to one of my favourite amusements park when I was child”said Miss.Stone Excitedly.
The children cheered aloud and started singing songs. Alas they arrived at the amusement park, Ella stood silently scanning the park. Ella had a feeling that there was something suspicious around the place. “Uh Tash, I don’t think it’s a good idea going into this place”.
“Why Ella?”.
“I don’t know there's something wrong with this place” Ella shivered and walked into the park. “Now children listen to Mrs. T and just have fun but first can you guys get into a group of 6” ordered Miss.Stone. Ella followed her 5 other friends, Elissa, Natasha, Riley, Tyler and Nikki.
Ella noticed that it was just her and her classmates in the amusement park. Also that they hadn’t noticed any park employees around. It was so odd, but wasn’t as odd as the sinister man standing at the spooky house ride. That was what attracted her friends to the ride, the sinister man stared a the girls as they came closer to the stand. The odd man had a weird accent who always ended his words with Z’s.
“Welcomez toz thez Spooky Hoouse, enterz thez housez forz whateverez awaitz you”. At the same time they blurted out “OKAY”.
“Really cobwebs, skeletons and masked mannequins, this place could do better” said Tyler. Through the Spooky house Riley felt eyes following her and her friends. She looked back to see moving figures, so Riley followed the figures into the shadows without being noticed. Her friends hadn’t noticed she was gone but realised when they reached the Scarecrow area. Nikki walked around the scarecrow and was frightened by the crows that popped out from nowhere. “What a scare that was, so Riley when we get back to school I think we should base our history project on crime back in the days,Uhhh Riley?”.
The girls panicked and tried to remember the last place they saw Riley. “Oh wait weren’t we at the Chainsaw room” screamed Tyler. The girls headed to the Chainsaw room, they searched the room for but nothing came up except for a strand of dog hair and Riley’s lucky bracelet. Ella had another terrible feeling that someone had taken Riley, they arrived at the entrance to see no sign of the other groups or teachers. They walked around the whole park and yet no sign of anyone besides them. It got dark so they headed to the camp area where they hoped they would see the other students. Surprisingly they did but Miss.Stone and Mrs.T were not there. They all felt a slight relief to see everyone, “Guys where’s Miss.Stone and Mrs.T” said Ella. They all seemed confused, “We have no idea, they both vanished trying to find you guys Ella” said Terra with a terrified voice.
“Well, Riley vanished a few hours ago too”. As the night got darker they all slumped into their sleeping bags, everybody hoped that in the morning Riley and the teachers would come back.
“Huh what was that?”
“It sounded like a wolf”
“Guys i’m scared” screamed one of the kids.
All at once dark figures closed in as the kids huddled up with their teeth shivering. The figures growled out loud and the students hoped that they wouldn’t see them if they stood still. Then as the dark figures came closer to the light the faces surprised them as the faces looked very familiar. Natasha stared confusingly at the the familiar faces. “Wait isn’t that Miss. Stone, Mrs.T and Riley, Wow you guys grew a lot of hair since you disappeared”. Ella stared up to the sky to see a full moon shining brightly and wondered if her teachers and friend were werewolves. All of a sudden Ella felt chills up her spine, she stared right into Miss.Stone’s eyes which were bright yellow and her mouth was full of saliva. “Ok so would you guys believe if I were to say well maybe they are werewolves”.
“I sure would, cause right now Riley is looking at me like she wants to eat me, everybody RUN!!”. A few students ran into the rides to hide, others tried to run out the main entrance but in a blink of an eye Riley appeared out of nowhere.
Ella found a formula near the spider ride. It explained how to cure someone who had been bitten by a werewolf. The only way to cure her teacher and Riley was to take them out of the park, and pour milk up their nose. Where the wolf juice comes out of their mouth and they go back to normal. So it was up to Ella to capture the wolves and save everyone. Ella found a piece of meat lying on the myrical round which was very odd. So she lured all three wolves into the spooky house, hid behind a stack of hay and knocked them out with a fire extinguisher. Then tied them up and took them out of the park, they lost their fur but still had their sharp teeth. Alex, one of the students ran to the nearest dairy and bought 3 liters of milk. Then as Alex got to the entrance he gave the milk to the girls, they grabbed a funnel and poured it down each of their noses. Ten seconds later milk and brown fur juice came out of each of their mouths. As soon as they knew that they weren't werewolves, the students carried their teachers and Riley down the street.
Some still ask, Was it all real?
Hi Luisa,
I love how you have ended this story: was it all real? I was really impressed that you took the time to edit your work and it is an exciting story to read! I am sure that this would interest children your age as we discussed in class.
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