
Wednesday, 16 December 2015

2015 Reflections

This year I did my learning with Mrs Parker in a netbook classroom using Google Drive.

Having a net book made it easier to edit, share and publish my work. Working on my netbook was a great way to share my work easily, also editing my work was easier too. Instead of using a book and rubbing my work out, I can just delete my mistakes using the delete button.

This year I learned how to use a blogging rubric to check my work. The blogging rubric was a big impact in my learning giving me ideas of how to make my work better and how to check if it is level 4 writing.

I did research on WW1 and WW2. Learning about the different weapons they used during their battles. Also finding out info on tanks, machine guns and powerful gases.

The thing I enjoyed learning about most this year was blogging my work because I got to share everything that I had done at school and at home to the world. People around the world had visited my blog encouraging me to work even harder on my blog posts.

I still want to learn more about Disease and medicine because I want to learn how to cure cancer or know what kind of medicine you need to get rid of sickness. One day I would like to take this information to help other people in need of help.

The class trip/activity I enjoyed the most this year was the Stardome Observatory because I was very eager to learn about all the planets especially Jupiter. Learning about planets was what I was looking forward to throughout the whole year because someday I might even consider becoming an astronomer studying new information on each planets.

I am proud of the way I got along with my classmates. At first I did not know most of the students in my class but as the terms past I got to know them better and bonded with them.

Next year I am going to focus on getting to a higher level in maths by learning about percentages and trying to complete my goals for next year.


Unknown said...

A wonderful reflection Luisa. I'm glad that you found the benefit in using the rubrics for writing and blogging helpful in your learning. It's good to have something to help us measure our own achievement. Wow - studying astronomy would be amazing... they learn new things about the galaxy every day! Also you might like to study science to find that cancer cure... so many wonderful options.
All the best for your goals for next year, and the years after.
Mrs Parker

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for the feed back.!

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