
Monday, 19 October 2015

My Holiday

Guess what I did in the Holiday? Well let’s just say I had a pretty ok holiday with nothing to do but clean the house and watch exciting movies on TV and at the cinemas. I visited my grandpa who was in England supporting Tonga at the Rugby World Cup. We also had a large celebration with food to welcome him back to NZ. But my favourite event in the holiday was watching different movies every night and day.

First, we watched a movie called San Andreas. Before we watched the movies we went to the shops to buy juice and five large packets of salted popcorn. Then later on we watched San Andreas. San Andreas really inspired me to think more about earthquakes. If  you're thinking “What is she talking about?” well you would have to watch the movies yourself. Wouldn’t want to ruin the surprise. San Andreas is such a terrifying, realistic and emotional movie that even my brother started crying and so did I.

Next, we watched another movie called Insurgent. I was very thrilled to watch Insurgent because it is the second  movie of Divergent. The movie has romance, action and very surprising scenes but best of all it had my favourite actors. Shailene Woodley and Theo James who star in Insurgent and are very amazing actors. They are also the main characters in Divergent I had a great time and just cannot wait for part 3 to come out which is called Allegiant and I know part 3 and 4 will be even more epic than the first two. Afterwards we watched a few more movies before taking a break and watching rugby.

At the end of the holidays we took a break from watching movies but I felt relieved because I started having nightmares about all of the movies. All holiday I had watched different types of movies like Action movies, time travel, scary movies and true story movies. My favourite movie I watched in the holidays was Pixels, not only did Pixels include old arcade games the US soldiers had to fight the evil arcade games like Pacman, Lady Lisa and the amazing Donkey kong. Wow! It turns out my holiday was a blast and not just ok. Now I can’t wait for the next holiday to come even if it means more cleaning and watching more movies.


Unknown said...

I'm sorry that the movies gave you nightmares - Was it the scary ones that did that? I don't like watching scary movies because they give me weird dreams too!

Anonymous said...

It looks like you had awesome holidays Luisa! Nice language features too! I watched a few of those movies in the holidays too! They are very entertaining. Nice descriptive words too!

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