
Thursday, 30 July 2015

Emotion Poem

Today I have written a poem about 2 emotions which is Dispirited and Euphoria which are happy and sad emotions. This poem includes the 5 senses, similes and descriptive words.

Dispirited is grey like dark gloomy skies hovering over my head wherever I go
It tastes like over salted chips with a sour taste
It smells like the stench of rotten cheese left on the shelf for 10 years
It looks like unpleasant gifts covered in mold and dust with rats in the inside
It sounds like balloons let off without being tied
It feels like you’re a ghost invisible and left out -



Unknown said...

A very powerful poem Luisa. Hopefully we don't actually feel this way too often. Your last two lines are my favourite. the balloon sound and the invisible ghost. Well done, you have used similes and descriptive language well.

Anonymous said...

This is an amazing poem Luisa.
The part about the cheese was yucky to imagine .

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