For this task we had to research these local icons, Glenbrae school, Te Oro and Pak'nsave. We had to research the history about each place. These are what I found about those places.
I am a Year 8 student at Glenbrae School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Room 7 and my teacher is Mrs Tofa.
Sunday, 30 April 2017
Friday, 28 April 2017
Basic facts➕➖➗-H.H
These are the basic fact questions that my class were given for homework. In blue are my answers for the equations. I am quite fluent at basic facts and I am positive that the answers are correct.
Basic facts,
time tables
Healthy shared lunch-H.H
Last year, Glenbrae school hosted a Healthy shared lunch. Each classes were assigned a specific dish to make, Room 7 had to make healthy sandwiches.
Mrs.Tofa and Miss.Stone had provided the ingredients for us to make the sandwiches. There were different stations in our class, the bread and butter station, tuna/cheese station, vegetable station, cutting station and the station where they had to place the sandwiches inside the containers.
The process of making the sandwiches were very fun. I was in the tuna station, where I had to place the Tuna onto the bread. I’ve got to admit, it was quite tempting to eat, but I managed to keep my hunger under control. Who am I kidding!, I did eat some tuna and cheese, I just couldn’t resist. As the tuna ran out, I left my station to peak at the other stations.
At the vegetable station, they were doing a great job slicing the vegetables. Yes, I ate some and it was delicious. I helped a little before I had to returned my station to start on the batches of bread but this time using cheese, for those who were vegetarians. Later on, we combined the ingredients together to make a whole healthy sandwich. We started to plate the sandwiches and add a few finishing touches.
Afterwards, we took the sandwiches down to the hall where the other classes had set their food on the tables. There were pumpkin soup, vegetables and hummus, chicken wraps and fruit kebabs. All had the right amount of servings for the whole school. Everyone settled down, as it was time for the blessing of the food. Moments after, class by class stood up to go get their food. It was all delicious and the best part was that it was all healthy!.
My favourite part about the healthy shared lunch, was making the sandwiches as a class. Everyone worked together, happily and we made divine sandwiches!. This is my most exciting time, I've had at school!.
Shared lunch,
Thursday, 27 April 2017
Math word problem-No.3-Lollies, lollies, lollies🍭🍬
The word problem and my strategy and answer
I found this word problem the most challenging, yes it did take me some time to figure it out but once again, I had to understand the problem more clearly.
Problem solving
Math word problem-No.2-The treasure map💎🗺
The word problem
This word problem was really fun to work out. As part of this math problem we had to create a map, following the pirates directions, to find the treasure. As you can see the treasure has been found in 3,3 because it is half way between the first rock and the most western tree, as stated in the the word problem. Here is my Treasure map.
Problem solving,
Tresure map
Math Word Problem No.1-Tim's trip
Here is my strategy on how I solved the math problem and my answer. I found this problem challenging at first, but as I started to understand the problem, it became easier.
Problem solving
Wednesday, 26 April 2017
Driving skills should be taught at Primary school-H.H
Driving skills should be taught at primary school. It is always better to learn new skills while you are younger, so that as you get older your knowledge of that subject are strong and more fluent. If we are taught at Primary, there is a 90% chance that we would pass when it is time to do our driver test. Now the level of maturity between kids and adults would be equal.
I rest my case.
Photo Link
Speech writing,
Glenbrae school should have a cafeteria-Holiday homework
Glen brae school should most definitely have a cafeteria in the hall. Not only does the school provide food for everyone, the school could provide the correct food, such as fruit, vegetables, wraps, anything healthy. This solves our problem about having too much rubbish at school too, and our junk food dilemmas. If there was a cafeteria less rubbish are going to be brought to school, and Glen brae school will be branded a rubbish free school. Having a cafeteria solves some students problems, of not being able to bring lunch to school. A cafeteria could solve all the problems our school and students have.
I rest my case.
Speech writing,
Thomas Peaceful-Anzac Poem
Thomas Peaceful is a fictional character from my favourite book, Private Peaceful. The book is all about Thomas Peaceful's life, from his first day at school and to his battles at France. My poem is about the Sacrifice his dad made for him and Penance.
From the perspective of Tommo Peaceful
It demands the surrender of things
We cherish above all else
Along with sacrifice comes
The more grievous the sin
The more self inflicted suffering
My sin?
My greatest fall!
The day I had killed father
Twas not my intention
Nor was it the tree’s
The tree that had ended the life of father
The tree that had cut short
Father’s lifelong film
My penance, I was going to live knowing what
I had faulted against father
The greatest suffering above all
When the tree was falling
It had seemed as if it was still upright
Father yelled from a distance
His voice shot like a bullet through my ears
and echoed continuously on my thoughts
I was in a deep trance
So deep, that when I had realized
that the tree was falling
Not a muscle nor a hair on my body
At that moment, father had swooped me in arms
Lifted me gracefully with ease
Ran a few meters, before thrusting me across
And there I lied, at the tip of the oak tree
Facing dear father
Hands, were spread out wide
Body, didn't make a single movement
head was flopped, looking at me
With a red velvet substance of liquid
dripping from his nose
I remember
Seeing his pain lift from his face, and enter mine
I remember
not coping with his death
I remember
the trauma I had put my family through
I remember
how everything was before he had died
It had seemed as if it was still upright
Father yelled from a distance
His voice shot like a bullet through my ears
and echoed continuously on my thoughts
I was in a deep trance
So deep, that when I had realized
that the tree was falling
Not a muscle nor a hair on my body
At that moment, father had swooped me in arms
Lifted me gracefully with ease
Ran a few meters, before thrusting me across
And there I lied, at the tip of the oak tree
Facing dear father
Hands, were spread out wide
Body, didn't make a single movement
head was flopped, looking at me
With a red velvet substance of liquid
dripping from his nose
I remember
Seeing his pain lift from his face, and enter mine
I remember
not coping with his death
I remember
the trauma I had put my family through
I remember
how everything was before he had died
Anzac Poem,
Private Peaceful,
Tuesday, 25 April 2017
The Anzac Commertation🍃🌹
ANZAC, Australia and New Zealand Army corps. Today we remember those who had fought for our country, nurses and soldiers. Today we show our gratitude towards all those had fallen during the wars, to save us, to fight for our civil rights. Not only do we commemorate those who had died but those who made it back from the war. May we wear our poppies with pride, and honor every soldier and everyone effected by the war.
Lest we forget
"They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old,
Age shall not weary them nor the years condemn,
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We Shall Remember Them.... Lest We Forget"

Lest we forget
"They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old,
Age shall not weary them nor the years condemn,
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We Shall Remember Them.... Lest We Forget"

Anzac day,
Monday, 24 April 2017
Holiday Homework-Guess who?
This is one of our holiday homework activities. We had to find out who the people in the pictures were and find out what they are famous for. These are my answers.
Tuesday, 18 April 2017
As part of Room 7's holiday homework we had to create a poem about Anzac. I chose to structure my poem like this, I had also written 2 other poems.
What is poetry?
Poetry is a of genre of literature. This genre of literature has more depth, more feelings are expressed and ideas are intensified.
Where do you read poems?
I read poems in school journals, on the web and in Poem books.
Who are some famous poets?
Emily Dickinson
William Shakespeare
William Blake
Silence, Misty
Patience, Fighting, Gun fires, Trenches
Armed forces, Mercenaries, Soldiers, Gun shells
Damage, Casualties, Perished
Lost, Bitter

Anzac Poem,
Holiday Poem,
Happy Easter🥚🎆
I would like to wish you all a safe and Happy Easter holiday (Though i'm like 2 days delayed). hope everyone had a great day!.
To celebrate Easter, my family had bought Easter eggs, watched movies and had a feed. It was a lovely and peaceful day. I am very eager to here what other people did for Easter. Once again I want to wish you all a Happy Easter holiday!.
To celebrate Easter, my family had bought Easter eggs, watched movies and had a feed. It was a lovely and peaceful day. I am very eager to here what other people did for Easter. Once again I want to wish you all a Happy Easter holiday!.
Public holidays
Monday, 17 April 2017
Monday, 10 April 2017
Learning Quotes
These are quotes that inspire me to work hard in my learning, so that I can get to places, so I can fulfill my dreams of becoming a Lawyer. Read these quotes and think about your future in life.

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Te Taiao o Tāmaki
Man Made and Natural causes of Airpollution
This is Maara, Mary and I's presentation that we(Maara) presented in our school hall for our inquiry presentations. We had switched our presentations because we didn't have enough time to finish our other project so we improvised and came up with this!. To support our presentation we also created a Kahoot quiz to test the children's knowledge on Air Pollution. Enjoy our presentation.
Inquiry Projects,
Te Taiao o Tāmaki
Te oro 🌎class play
On Wednesday, a couple of the room 7 students are going to showcase a play at Te oro. The play is about Papatuanuka(Mother earth) and what humans have done to cause her such distress. In our play we have Aaliyahna playing Papatuanuku, Luisa(me) as the narrator/nature ranger and we have other students as our prop holders, who come in and out through out the whole play. If you want to watch our whole play and see for yourself, come on Wednesday the 12th of April to the Te Oro centre.
I guarantee you our play isn't going to disappoint you but give you something to think about about our earth.
I guarantee you our play isn't going to disappoint you but give you something to think about about our earth.
Te Taiao o Tāmaki
Sunday, 9 April 2017
Life Quotes
These are life quotes that have inspired me in life, they are relateable to everyone and I hope it inspires you too!.

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Te Taiao o Tāmaki
Saturday, 8 April 2017
Media team photographers for Te Oro Presentations
On Friday, 5 members from our school media team and I were assigned an important job at Te oro when we have the Inquiry Presentations with all the Manaikalani schools. 6 students from our school and 6 students from St Pius are going to go to the Presentations as Manaikalani's Te oro media team or as I like to say Photographers. At Te oro we have to take photos of the projects/presentations, the students presenting, the school performances, art displayed in the Te oro center and more photos of the schools attending Te oro. I am very excited to be taking on this important role and getting to interact with other students as well. We have also been given a task sheet for the types of photos Fiona Grant wants us to take.

Photo Link
Photo Link
Inquiry Projects,
Te oro,
Te Taiao o Tāmaki
Mixed and Improper fractions
This week for maths, I learnt how to convert mixed fractions into improper fractions. I can do this confidently knowing that I will get the answer right. Here are one of my tasks for this week.
Convert these fractions into mixed fractions
- 24/4-
- 16/3
5 ⅓
- 19/5
3 ⅘
- 25/6
4 ⅙
- 7/3
2 ⅓
- 8/5
1 ⅗
Convert these fractions into improper fractions
- 12 ¾
- 9 ⅓
- 8 5/7
- 7 ½
- 9 ¾
- 12 ⅘
Explain a strategy for converting mixed fractions into improper fractions
Finding how many of the denominator can fit into the number or dividing the numerator by the denominator.
Explain a strategy for converting improper fractions into mixed fractions
Times the whole number by the denominator and adding on the number that is on the numerator.
Add these fractions
¼ + ½ = ¾
¾ + ¾ =1 2/4
⅘ + ⅗ = 1 ⅖
12/4+5/4= 4 ¼
Te Taiao o Tāmaki
Friday, 7 April 2017
Grace Joel Cultural Performances
After weeks of practice for our cultural groups and even days of practise for some, we put those practises to use and made our way to the Grace Joel rest home. The reason for this was because we wanted to give thanks to those who took their time off to come to Glenbrae school to offer us breakfast. So in return we wanted to show our appreciation by performing cultural items for them.
First off we had the boys in the Kapahaka group perform a fierce haka which was very entertaining to watch. The boys did an awesome job and really out doesn't themselves. As the boys finished off their haka the girls and the remaining of the boys in the Kapahaka group walked in and sung their waiatas. They sung Te aroha and Purei nei. Their singing was loud and graceful, I had enjoyed their singing.
After the Kapahaka groups performances, it was time for the Tongan group to perform. The Tongan girls performed first, doing a Ta'o lunga to the song Tevita Latai maumi. I was quite nervous performing in front of everyone but I managed to finish the dance off. Our costumes looked beautiful and elegant, though our Ta'u valas were quite tight. After our Tongan dance the Tongan boys took over and danced. They were very energetic and entertaining.
Next up was the Samoan Sasa group. Their costumes were very bright and beautiful. Their Sasa was very in sync and most of the time in unison too. I had enjoyed their performance also, they were also entertaining aswell!!.
Last but not least we had the Cook Island girls perform their slow dance and their fast beat dance. During their performance, we had a couple of the boys from our school stand up and dance along with girls aswell as a co-worker at Grace Joel. The girls were dressed beautifully in black and orange and they're dancing was exquisite too!.
My highlight of today's event was when the owner of Grace Joel's rest home asked individuals from each group questions about the dance. It was funny and gave us the chance to explain the meanings of our dances. I had fun today and the Grace Joel staff said that they would really love us to come back another time.
First off we had the boys in the Kapahaka group perform a fierce haka which was very entertaining to watch. The boys did an awesome job and really out doesn't themselves. As the boys finished off their haka the girls and the remaining of the boys in the Kapahaka group walked in and sung their waiatas. They sung Te aroha and Purei nei. Their singing was loud and graceful, I had enjoyed their singing.
After the Kapahaka groups performances, it was time for the Tongan group to perform. The Tongan girls performed first, doing a Ta'o lunga to the song Tevita Latai maumi. I was quite nervous performing in front of everyone but I managed to finish the dance off. Our costumes looked beautiful and elegant, though our Ta'u valas were quite tight. After our Tongan dance the Tongan boys took over and danced. They were very energetic and entertaining.
Next up was the Samoan Sasa group. Their costumes were very bright and beautiful. Their Sasa was very in sync and most of the time in unison too. I had enjoyed their performance also, they were also entertaining aswell!!.
Last but not least we had the Cook Island girls perform their slow dance and their fast beat dance. During their performance, we had a couple of the boys from our school stand up and dance along with girls aswell as a co-worker at Grace Joel. The girls were dressed beautifully in black and orange and they're dancing was exquisite too!.
My highlight of today's event was when the owner of Grace Joel's rest home asked individuals from each group questions about the dance. It was funny and gave us the chance to explain the meanings of our dances. I had fun today and the Grace Joel staff said that they would really love us to come back another time.
Te Taiao o Tāmaki,
Monday, 3 April 2017
Inquiry Project presentations
For the past 2 weeks or so, my inquiry group have been working on our Inquiry presentations which we will be presenting at school and hopefully at Te Oro too. Our presentation is about Air pollution, the natural causes and man made causes of Air pollution. I have done my research and I have found several data on this.
Maara, Mary and I are working on the bigger part of our presentation, which is making our models. Lost?, we are making a medium sized project models with everything that causes Air pollution. We have started on making a few of our models including our volcanoes and factories. In our model, we will have some hand on activities, we are going to make our mini volcanoes explode and we will demonstrate wind erosion. We have so much work to do and we are hoping we are gonna finish our project by Thursday. Here are a few photos of what we have accomplished with our models.
Maara, Mary and I are working on the bigger part of our presentation, which is making our models. Lost?, we are making a medium sized project models with everything that causes Air pollution. We have started on making a few of our models including our volcanoes and factories. In our model, we will have some hand on activities, we are going to make our mini volcanoes explode and we will demonstrate wind erosion. We have so much work to do and we are hoping we are gonna finish our project by Thursday. Here are a few photos of what we have accomplished with our models.
Inquiry Projects,
Te Taiao o Tāmaki
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