
Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Rippa Rugby Tournament🏉

Ripper rugby is another sport that I love playing. Well not only me but other girls in Glen Brae school. The year 7&8 girls and the year 5/6 were entered into the Tamaki zone Rippa tournament. The year 7/8 team started with a close loss against Pt England. The points were four to two. Pt England was such a great team and challenging opponents. As well as Sylvia park who we also loss a game too.

But our three other games were a great success. We won games against Bailey Road, Tamaki Intermediate and Panmure Bridge. All the teams had done really well and all the team were very challenging.

Other than the other teams great effort, my team mates attitude and strength were much better. The way they played, defended and attacked. I was very proud of my team especially those who saved tries and got tries. Though I still don't know whether we placed for the tournament. And if we didn't it wouldn't matter cause we played for fun.

Tuesday, 30 August 2016

My Identity

Our identity project was to create something that represented who I am. I chose to go simple a describe myself using google draw. In my drawing I have showed my different personality and my dis likes and likes. Also my cultures, Religion, the sports/subjects I like and my family. These are all what represent myself.

Auckland Transport Argument

In the morning our class had read an article about an accident that had occurred before the warrior game, on Sunday. The incident was due to a train which crashed a man leaving his family in grief. This is my argument on why there are so many deaths caused by trains.

Trains in Auckland is a problem causing death and grief to families and friends. All these deaths caused because of our Auckland trains. Though it isn’t the fault of the train drivers, I believe it is the fault of the train  operators.

I believe that  Auckland transport should engineer the trains to stop faster. In the meanwhile stop the transport of trains while train engineers try to fix this issue. Though stopping the trains will also become a transport issue, it would at least spare a few lives. If Auckland transport can make trains go, they can also stop trains. If not, offer more security around train crossing for the safety of train passengers.

Len Brown our mayor should think of those lives lost and think of those families affected by the deaths of their loved ones. Is having modern day trains a safer option of transport or is having trains that are more efficient that could save lives.  

Ben's Troubler

Our last writing lessons were all about narratives but now we are working on persuasive writing. For my narrative my group had to create a narrative with a shocking twist. I had carried on from a narrative which my whole group wrote, but just the introduction. Enjoy my plot twist.!

Ben had always been a model student. He was respected by his peers and adored by his teachers. He had never even been in trouble, that is, until he met Toby.

It was a strange meeting, unexpected in many ways. Ben had been on his way down to the basement to collect some old textbooks for his teacher. As the most responsible member of his class, he was constantly running errands like this. On this occasion, he ran down the narrow stairs as fast as he could  as he was trying to avoid spending too much time in the dark.

He searched for the book in such a hurry that he did not see the pole behind him.
BANG! He was suddenly hit by what felt like an avalanche. He fell to the floor face first feeling the dust smother his face. His head was whoozy, but he tried to pick himself back up. His vision was blurred, but as it cleared he saw a hand out stretched, supporting him to stand.
“Hi, are you alright?” spoke the mysterious figure.
“Huh, who’s there?. How did you get down here?” asked Ben.
“I heard a noise coming from down here” said the boy.
“Do you even come to this school, mate?”
“Yeah, i’m in your Bio class, it’s me Toby. Don’t tell me that fall made you forget who I am?”
“Oh yeah, Hey Toby?. That fall made me forget a lot”

Toby had blonde streaked hair spiked up like sharp thorns. Along with his pale skin, speckled with freckles. Something about Toby made Ben even more whoozy when he fell. As they got closer to class, Toby had dropped Ben and demanded him to do something for him. “Now I helped you out and now you need to help me, or atleast get something I want”.
“Of course, what--is it Toby?”
“I want you to go get me my lunch from Jenny Beaker. She stole my lunch at Maths, she’s such a Bully”. “Inside my lunch box is cheese crackers, a chicken sandwich and a milk carton”. Toby couldn’t help smirking and by the time Ben made up his mind, Toby had vanished in a speed of light.

Ben hadn’t noticed that he had spent two whole blocks searching for Toby and by then it was time for his duty. “No need, just got to take his lunch box back”. He walked up to Jenny and demanded Toby’s lunch bag back. “Jenny may I have----Uhh may I have his lunch bag back”.
“What are you talking about?. This is mine” cried Jenny. “No it isn’t this is his lunch, with the crackers and the milk” shot Ben. Ben reached down striving for the lunch box, he managed to get hold of the lunch box, snatched it and ran away. Somehow Ben felt a feeling he had never felt before, as if lightninging ran through his veins making him a lot more loose. Something happened to Ben that day that changed his image to people, and it started off by stealing a lunch box?.  

Time and time Toby had told Ben to steal or hurt someone at school. “Ben are you ready? I have one last job before I set you free. I need you to ring the fire alarm, go into the principal's office, tie him up and lock him in his files room. I’ll take it from there”
“Yeah, whatever. When?” Ben requested

.now” Toby’s voice silenced and he disappeared. Ben dashed to nearest fire alarm and pulled the latch down without hesitating. “ERRRHH, ERRRH. Evacuate the building” the alarms went off. Ben walked calmly to the Principal's office while others panicked and screamed. As he arrived, the principal was locking his door. Ben creeped behind him and knocked him out. Ben tied his hairy legs and pale hands up and locked him in the files room. Ben walked out of the room and spotted Toby around the corner. He raced over to him and once again he wasn’t spotted. His voice was heard in the toilets, Ben walked over, opened the door to no one in the cubicles. Ben felt whoozy, so he washed his face. When he looked back up to the mirror, Toby was standing behind him with a sinister face. “Nice meeting you Ben!” Toby touched Ben and Ben collapsed head first.

“Ben!, Ben!, Ben! Get up!”a voice called. Ben woke up all wet and sweaty on the toilet floor. He walked out the toilets and back to class. A bunch of teachers and the principal were huddled up in the corner of one class and as Ben took one step in the hallway they shot bullets at him with their eyes. “There he is!. He locked me up and tied my legs and arms up” cried the principal, shedding a few tears. Ben stood in amazement and was escorted to the principal's office.

“Explain yourself Mr. Why all this nonsense, stealing other peers property, locking me up and breaking every rule in school. What happened to the sweet Ben we knew” questioned Mr.Elvis(the principal).
”It’s wasn’t me Toby told me to do those bad things. I was so caught up in doing what Toby said I lost my good side and well...I actually enjoyed it”. “For once in my life i’ve felt more alive. Like I do anything. But right now i’m very confused. Toby was in the bathroom and the and the

“Yes. And who is this Toby? Mr.Elvis raised his eyebrow
“He’s in my bio class and the only time I see him is when I go out for recess”.
“Ben there is no Toby in our school. There has never been?”.

Monday, 29 August 2016

Blogging Quotes

Blogging is my passion, I practically blog everyday. To show my appreciation for blogging I selected a few great quotes about blogging.

Image result for Blogging quotes
Image result for Blogging quotes

Image result for Blogging quotes

Parts of an Atom🔭

Though I don't get the whole idea of Atoms, I did learn what the parts of an Atom is. It is very complicated but I will more expanding my learning on chemistry and Atoms. There are parts like electron, neutron and protons.

My Diagram on Atoms


Today's club session was the most important session. Today we had modeled our creations and created a few more sewed items to show case at our special assembly. Our club created multi-coloured aprons which came out looking really awesome from the help from both Mrs.Raj and Lavinda. The boys had also created scarfs and other had created head bands. We finished off our lesson with a small treat and we had also created a few handy bags which aren't quite finished.

Milk experiment🌌

As part of science intensive week, Miss. Stone organized a interesting experiment. The step to step process is very easy and if you want to create this experiment read the instructions stated below. I found this experiment very pleasing and surprised at the outcome. 

Chemical Reactions: Cleaning Products

We will be observing the way the chemicals in washing up liquid break down the fat in milk.

Washing up liquid
Food Colouring
  1. Tip in a certain amount of milk into a bowl or plate.
  2. Add in small drops of different coloured food colouring.
  3. Dab a skewer into a cup of dish washing liquid and drop the liquid into the middle of the food colouring.


I saw that as the dish washing liquid fell into the mixture of food coloring the food coloring separated.


This happened because
 the dish washing liquid cleans dirt and breaks down fat/oil.

Science Intensive Week🔬

Today we made a start on our Science Intensive Week at Glenbrae School. For today's Science activities we made Ooblek, experimented on Acids, Milk Experiment, Chocolate piping and we played a quiz on Kahoot.

During these activities I had learnt so much about different science experiments and methods for scientific looking's and projects. It was very fun working with Miss.Stone learning about Atoms and molecules. As well as the three states of matter.

What I learned
I learnt that a matter is everything around us. Something that takes up space in Atoms and molecules. The three states of matter is Liquid(Water), Solid(Brick) and Gas(Helium or Carbon Dioxide).

A solid is something that hold it's shapes, the molecules are tight up. A liquid takes up it's container, the molecules are together but move around. A gas is a air fluid and the molecules are far apart.

Sunday, 28 August 2016

Lyric of the week!

The lyric of the week is Don't let go. This song is a song I sang a lot at my old school about my vice principle. It's also touching and very catchy.

Here is the lyrics
Take my hand and don't let go im addicted to your loving but if you should know how my love goes
then baby stay close Take my hand and dont let go im addicted to your loving but if you should know how my love goes then baby stay close You wont ever have to cry so wipe them tears from your eyes as long as youre by my side you wont shed no tears cause everything will be just fine as long as you dont let go Dont let go Dont let go Everything will be just fine as long as you stay by my side and dont let go

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Netball season over

For the past four weeks in this term our netball girls(Yr 7&8 and Yr6) had competed against other schools in a continuous tournament every Tuesday which had started last term, and had ended this week. This week's game was our very last game for the season or tournament.

It was a very important game that we had to win, so that our winning streak(one loss) will continue on. The team that we were up against was a team called Marist. The Marist team won the first two quarters by a few points but after our talks at our breaks we caught up owning the last two quarters. All of my team mates including the Marist players had played very well, in shooting, attack and defending. At the end of our game we won the game. I'm going to miss playing Tuesday tournaments but hopefully we could play next year.
Photo Link

Cultural Festival practises

Cultural festival. The day to express our cultures and represent our country proud. Glen brae school had once again announced that we were having culture festival. There are all sorts of groups like Tongan, Science, Samoan girls, Kapahaka, Cook island girls and a few more performances. Every group has worked very hard to learn, create and perform their items. I am excited for everyone performing and cannot wait until the Cultural festival day.

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Lisa Carrington~Gold🏅

Gold for NZ!!!. New Zealand's third gold was earned by a talented kayak-er Lisa Carrington. She came first in the Kayak single 200m canoe sprints. Runner up was Poland athlete Marta Walczykiewicz and in third place was Inna Osypenko-Radomska. 
Congratulations to Lisa for representing NZ proudly and for proving herself a 
worthy athlete.

Netball Tournament🎗

Every year our school competes in an inter school tournament including girls and boys from the year levels five to eight. Our year eight and seven team had three games in the first morning blocks and had three more games in the afternoon blocks. We had games against Pt England, Glen Innes school, Tamaki Primary, Stone fields and two more schools.

All schools were amazing but the only schools we couldn't win against was Pt England and Glen Innes school. Both schools had amazing defense and shooters. At the end of the day we ended up not placing but luckily the year six's came third. Congratulations to all schools that participated and to the school who placed.

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Tuesday Netball!

Today we had another netball game against ACG Parnell. Our opponents were very good at playing and had very good sportsmanship as well as my team. Our first 2 quarters were good but we let ourselves down with all our stepping and contacts. I believe that our last two quarters were our best quarters where we got more goals and handled the ball very well. I cannot wait for our next netball matches.

Monday, 15 August 2016

Usain Bolt đŸŒ©Winning StreakđŸŒ©

Known as the fastest man in the world, Usain Bolt had once again won another race and gold medal for the 100m sprints. The race started with runner up athlete Justin Gatlin in the lead and then Usain Bolt made his way to the front, winning the race. He finished the race at 9.81 seconds which is very near to his world record( 9.58 seconds).

Usain Bolt described himself for winning continuously "Immortal". Good on him for making history and reviving from his injuries. 

Saturday, 13 August 2016

Valerie wins Silver!

It was horrific that Valerie Adams did not win gold but also very great because she won Silver. Valerie was just beaten by a few centimeters. In first place was american athlete Michelle Carter who scored 20.63m in ther last attempt to place for the medals. Valerie had scored 20.42m in her 2nd attempt and on her last attempt to beat Michelle Carter's score she fell a little flat. She scored 20.39, I think.

Though Valerie didn't win gold, she put in a lot of work to qualifying at the Olympics. 

Friday, 12 August 2016

Gold for NZ!!

This morning I woke up to spectacular news. Of course you know because you read the title, yes NZ got their first gold medal. The athletes who won the gold medal were the rowing super stars Hamish Bond and Eric Murray. Watching the two athletes was very amazing. Not only did they win themselves gold but they won it for NZ.

Not only did we win gold but we also received silver for kayaking women's single. Luka Jones had done an amazing job. I know that sooner or later NZ will be receiving more medals.

Thursday, 11 August 2016

Ben's troubler!

This is my narrative with a twist which will probably get you thinking "Huh?". But thats the point, to get you all confused until you reread the story and realise what was trying to do. Have a great read and enjoy.

Ben had always been a model student. He was respected by his peers and adored by his teachers. He had never even been in trouble, that is, until he met Toby.

It was a strange meeting, unexpected in many ways. Ben had been on his way down to the basement to collect some old textbooks for his teacher. As the most responsible member of his class, he was constantly running errands like this. On this occasion, he ran down the narrow stairs as fast as he could  as he was trying to avoid spending too much time in the dark.

He searched for the book in such a hurry that he did not see the pole behind him.
BANG! He was suddenly hit by what felt like an avalanche. He fell to the floor face first feeling the dust smother his face. His head was whoozy, but he tried to pick himself back up. His vision was blurred, but as it cleared he saw a hand out stretched, supporting him to stand.
“Hi, are you alright?” spoke the mysterious figure.
“Huh, who’s there?. How did you get down here?” asked Ben.
“I heard a noise coming from down here” said the boy.
“Do you even come to this school, mate?”
“Yeah, i’m in your Bio class, it’s me Toby. Don’t tell me that fall made you forget who I am?”
“Oh yeah, Hey Toby?. That fall made me forget a lot”

Toby had blonde streaked hair spiked up like sharp thorns. Along with his pale skin, speckled with freckles. Something about Toby made Ben even more whoozy when he fell. As they got closer to class, Toby had dropped Ben and demanded him to do something for him. “Now I helped you out and now you need to help me, or atleast get something I want”.
“Of course, what--is it Toby?”
“I want you to go get me my lunch from Jenny Beaker. She stole my lunch at Maths, she’s such a Bully”. “Inside my lunch box is cheese crackers, a chicken sandwich and a milk carton”. Toby couldn’t help smirking and by the time Ben made up his mind, Toby had vanished in a speed of light.

Ben hadn’t noticed that he had spent two whole blocks searching for Toby and by then it was time for his duty. “No need, just got to take his lunch box back”. He walked up to Jenny and demanded Toby’s lunch bag back. “Jenny may I have----Uhh may I have his lunch bag back”.
“What are you talking about?. This is mine” cried Jenny. “No it isn’t this is his lunch, with the crackers and the milk” shot Ben. Ben reached down striving for the lunch box, he managed to get hold of the lunch box, snatched it and ran away. Somehow Ben felt a feeling he had never felt before, as if lightninging ran through his veins making him a lot more loose. Something happened to Ben that day that changed his image to people, and it started off by stealing a lunch box?.  

Time and time Toby had told Ben to steal or hurt someone at school. “Ben are you ready? I have one last job before I set you free. I need you to ring the fire alarm, go into the principal's office, tie him up and lock him in his files room. I’ll take it from there”
“Yeah, whatever. When?” Ben requested

.now” Toby’s voice silenced and he disappeared. Ben dashed to nearest fire alarm and pulled the latch down without hesitating. “ERRRHH, ERRRH. Evacuate the building” the alarms went off. Ben walked calmly to the Principal's office while others panicked and screamed. As he arrived, the principal was locking his door. Ben creeped behind him and knocked him out. Ben tied his hairy legs and pale hands up and locked him in the files room. Ben walked out of the room and spotted Toby around the corner. He raced over to him and once again he wasn’t spotted. His voice was heard in the toilets, Ben walked over, opened the door to no one in the cubicles. Ben felt whoozy, so he washed his face. When he looked back up to the mirror, Toby was standing behind him with a sinister face. “Nice meeting you Ben!” Toby touched Ben and Ben collapsed head first.

“Ben!, Ben!, Ben! Get up!”a voice called. Ben woke up all wet and sweaty on the toilet floor. He walked out the toilets and back to class. A bunch of teachers and the principal were huddled up in the corner of one class and as Ben took one step in the hallway they shot bullets at him with their eyes. “There he is!. He locked me up and tied my legs and arms up” cried the principal, shedding a few tears. Ben stood in amazement and was escorted to the principal's office.

“Explain yourself Mr. Why all this nonsense, stealing other peers property, locking me up and breaking every rule in school. What happened to the sweet Ben we knew” questioned Mr.Elvis(the principal).
”It’s wasn’t me Toby told me to do those bad things. I was so caught up in doing what Toby said I lost my good side and well...I actually enjoyed it”. “For once in my life i’ve felt more alive. Like I do anything. But right now i’m very confused. Toby was in the bathroom and the and the

“Yes. And who is this Toby? Mr.Elvis raised his eyebrow
“He’s in my bio class and the only time I see him is when I go out for recess”.
“Ben there is no Toby in our school. There has never been?”.

Volley Ball🏐Week 2

Today for Kiwi Sports we were playing Volleyball. Our coach, Coach Antonia or Toni went over the important steps in playing volleyball such as Digging, Serving, Spiking, Setting and 3 touch. We practiced serving and digging the ball to our partners remembering to keep our hands straight.

Then we had a competition on serving. The point of the competition was to serve the ball to your partner and catch it. If your partner catches the ball 20 times then they receive a lolly. Levi F and Alfred had received the prize.

Afterwards we were put into 6 teams to have 3 whole volleyball games. The first game that my team had was a bit dull, but my team made it fun. We ended up winning by a great amount of points. For our last game we just lost by one point. I learnt a lot more skills and more ball control.

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

NZ🇳🇿 Vs Great Britain🇬đŸ‡Ș

Tomorrow morning, at 3:30 am the NZ Men's Sevens team is playing Great Britain to determine which country is going head to head to go to the the quarter finals. Hopefully NZ beats Great Brritain and the following countries so that we NZ could get their fist gold. Good luck guys, win us a good game. Image result for nz sevens

Dancing Robots set world record

1,007 robots were set up in China to dance to set a new world record for the number of dancing robots. All the mini robots were controlled by one mobile. Though some robots stumbled and fell it didn't really matter at all. Again I had gotten this news article from Kiwi Kids News.

News Article
Dancing robots have set world record in China.
More than a thousand robots were simultaneously set to dance at a festival in China. And, they’ve danced their way to a world record.
Each of the 1,007 robots were controlled by just one mobile phone and had to dance for a whole minute.
However, a handful of the robots fell flat, some physically toppled over and others failed to perform. Still, the majority executed the programmed movements for a full minute and were counted towards the total tally, for the Guinness World Records title of “Most robots dancing simultaneously.”
dancing robot

Ambassadors Meeting

In the morning Maara, Miss. Elia, Levi R and I had gone to Sommeville school for a meeting with the the school ambassadors for the schools around our Tamaki zone. Levi R and the rest of the school ambassadors explained in their speeches what they were learning about in their school.

Levi spoke about how we learnt about art and procedure writing. He even shared his skills on photo shopping and logo making. He also shared our Potato recipes that we had written with Miss.Stone.

Maara and I were very intrigued in what the other schools were learning about. One girl from Panmure Bridge school spoke about her holiday reading challenges and how the author of the book she was reading commented on a post she wrote about the authors book(Confusing right, but interesting). Also I was very interested in a goal idea that a boy from St Pius used at their school. The idea is that children will pin their goals on the goal wall and when they achieve their goal they have to pin their goal on the achievement wall.

The reason that Maara and I had observed all the ambassadors was because our teachers wanted us to experience what it would be like if we were to become the new school ambassadors for next year.

NZ Equestrian Teams fall on 4th place!

At first when I heard the news that the NZ equestrian representative came 4th, I was sad. I was hoping for another medal but I was also glad. Fourth is better than coming last and not giving up. The equestrian athlete Sir Mark Todd just fell flat but hadn't stumbled(You see what I sis there, No? ok). The article I read the news from was a Kiwi Kids News article. 

News Article
The NZ equestrian team finished 4th after a disappointing jumping round from Sir Mark Todd.
He uncharacteristically dropped four rails in the team showjumping phase to see the Kiwi’s tumble to fourth.
Riding third after Jonelle Price had dropped two rails and Clarke Johnstone had gone clear, Todd could afford one rail to give New Zealand gold and even three would have been enough to see the team match their London effort four years ago and be third.
But Todd and his horse, Leonidas II, couldn’t make it.
France got gold on 169.00 points ahead of second-placed Germany on 172.80 and overnight leaders Australia ending with bronze at 175.30.
This was Sir Mark Todd’s eighth Olympic games, and he has won five medals in previous games.
mark todd

Identity~Who am I?

For reading this week we are focusing on identity. The book/chapter we are reading is called The beggining of the tounament. In the books the author Witi Ihimaera explains about his identity and his love for his dad, whanau. Our creating work is to create something that represents who we are. I have decided to write a poem. My question to you is What makes you, you?. 

Lyric of the week!!

The lyric of the week today is a song that I love very much. When i'm feeling down I sing this song to my self. athe song is Lean on me by Bill Withers.

Here are the lyrics
Sometimes in our lives, we all have pain, we all have sorrow.
But if we are not wise, we know that there's always tomorrow.

Lean on me when you're not strong
I'll be your friend I'll help you carry on
For it won't be long 'til I'm gonna need
Somebody to lean on.

Please swallow your pride
If I have things you need to borrow
For no one can fill those of your needs
That you won't let show.

You just call on me, brother, when you need a hand
We all need somebody to lean on.
I just might have a problem that you'll understand,
We all need somebody to lean on.

Art Quotes🎹

Art is not really my subject at school. But it is for others. I'm not really good at art but I am inspired by art.

Cultural festival performances

As part of our cultural festival which is on week 5, our class have to come up with our own items for that very day. We were given countries to pick out of. Countries such as the 5 continents of the world. My group chose to do Africa with the song Waka waka by Shakira. We chose this song because we think that it would be easy to come up with moves and sing to. We had our first practice today and figured that we should take little steps since we have more than enough time to finish.

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Capture the ballđŸŽŸ

After our Math session with Sue Pine, Miss Stone decided that we should go out for fitness. The game we were playing was Capture the ball. We played a few rounds where the girls always ended winning. I had a few stumbles but managed to recover. Before we placed the ball on our goal we had to pass the ball three times. It was very funny and from the looks of how we played, the boys seemed intimidated.

Tuesday Netball

This week was anther week of Netball success. Though we did make a few mistakes due to the weather condition. But at the end we ended up beating our opponents (Panmure bridge) 9 to 19. All the girls in my team were doing very well as well as our shooters, as expected. I'm looking forward for next weeks match against the ACG Parnellz. 

Harley Quinn😏😍

Harley Quinn is the most evilest female villain of all time. Not only is she evil but her strange personality adds to it. She is my favourite villain of all time and it's about time that they make a movie all about villains. Yup, Suicide squad, which I have heard is great.

Harley Quinn has cute pig tails each dipped in red or blue. She is also a very good fighter, so if I were you I would stay away. She wears clothes that shows that shows that she is a fierce but sweet looking villain.


Todays art session was all about Cook island patterns. I had drawn a Hibiscus which is a type of flower. Others have drawn beautiful patterns and plants. I was very impressed with Linda Kiki's work because she had drawn a turtle with all sorts of patterns. It looked magnificent.